UPSC Mains Answer Writing Practice

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Question. Explaining the rationale behind Geographical Indication (GI) protection, highlight the issues in harnessing the potential commercial benefits of GI in India.

प्रश्न. भौगोलिक संकेत (जीआई) संरक्षण के पीछे तर्क को समझाते हुए, भारत में GI के संभावित वाणिज्यिक लाभों के दोहन में मुद्दों पर प्रकाश डालें।

Approach to answer

    🖌 Introduce briefly about GI and GI Act. / GI और GI अधिनियम के बारे में संक्षिप्त परिचय दें।
    🖌 Explain the rationale behind GI. / GI के पीछे तर्क को स्पष्ट करें।
    🖌 Discuss the issues which are preventing the commercial benefits of GI. / उन मुद्दों पर चर्चा करें जो GI के वाणिज्यिक लाभों को रोक रहे हैं।
    🖌 Way forward. / कुछ सुझाव दें

Model Answer

A geographical indication (GI) is a name/sign used on products that have a specific geographical origin and possess qualities/reputation that are due to that origin. It enables those who have the right to use the indication to prevent its use by a third party. In India, GI Act was enacted in 2003 in compliance with India's obligations under Agreement on TRIPS at the WTO. Some of the well-known GI goods are 'Darjeeling' (tea), Chanderi Handloom, 'Basmati' (rice), 'Alphonso' (mango), etc. Rationale behind GI:
  • Support and protect local production.
  • Generate local employment originating in villages or small towns.
  • Help producers differentiate their products from competing products in the market.
  • Enable producers to build a reputation and goodwill around their products, which often fetches a premium price.
  • Protect the traditional and indigenous knowledge.
  • Protect consumers from deception.
  • Provide domestic and international market access to such products.
  • However there are various issues associated with harnessing the potential
  • Lack of marketing and branding strategies has kept the GI products from reaping their true potential in both domestic and export markets.
  • Lack of academic research and systematic assessment has hindered benefits accruing from GI protection.
  • Lack of focus on GI in Make in India campaign has undermined its scope in soft power expansion.
  • Quality associated with geographical origin is the hallmark of a GI and the current legal framework lacks teeth to ensure it.
  • GI producer bodies lack funding for enforcement and marketing.
  • In order to address the above issues, multi-layered quality control systems for GI registration, protection and promotion are required to not only ensure quality but also exceed consumer expectations.

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